ProHealth and Fitness
Welcome to the Professional Health & Fitness Institute. ProHealth has been teaching and certifying health care professionals in Pilates and Strength & Conditioning since 1998. Our evidenced based courses are designed to explore the benefits of adding cutting edge rehabilitation and fitness programming into patient care.
History of Pilates
Joseph Pilates developed a series of rehabilitation exercises focused on what he called the "powerhouse" of the body. His revolutionary movement concepts have become the building block for developing the mind-body connection. Recent research has validated the concept of core stability and has answered many of the questions about how breathing, stabilization and back pain are related. The concept of activating the "powerhouse" of the body of the "core" has been supported by numberous scientific studies that have taken the Pilates concept one step further. The science behind Pilates is explored as each exercise is broken down in terms of biomechanics, kinesiology, and pathology. This contemporary curriculum includes the latest research on the transverse adbominis, multifidus, diaphram, and pelvic floor. The curriculumn describes how these muscles stabilize the core. Lumbar stabilizations are taken to the next level. Healthcare professionals can immediately apply these concepts and programs to create a new revenue stream.